An initiative of


The awards ceremony of this First Edition of the Alcance 3.0 Awards will take place during a gala dinner to be held on May 30, 2024 at the Real Fábrica de Tapices. Goya Hall in Madrid.

Date: May 30, 2024.
Time: 20:30 H., with accreditation collection and cocktail beforehand at 19:30
Place: Real Fábrica de Tapices. Goya Hall (Madrid)

Awards presented by:

Patricia Betancort.
A television presenter, she has worked for the main Spanish networks.

Javier Barroso.
Journalist, currently with one of the most representative media of the press and lawyer.

With the stellar performance of:

Pilar Jurado.
Outstanding soprano, composer, orchestra conductor and businesswoman. President of the Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias de la Voz de España (Spanish Voice Academy of Arts and Sciences)

Award designed by:

Ángel Cañas
Renowned artist from Madrid who is committed to a new way of combining art and recycling. A sculptor committed to the Alcance 3.0.

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