An initiative of

Under the
Honorary Presidency
of H.M. King Felipe VI

CPOnet, organizer of the Awards, is working on the design of solutions to reduce the Carbon Footprint.

Following the recent COP28, which once again confirmed that we are still a long way from limiting the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, one of the conclusions is once again the important "traction role" of large private sector companies in amplifying and accelerating decarbonization.

At CPOnet we launched the Scope 3.0 Awards, with the ambition to recognize the efforts of organizations that help reduce emissions in their value chain (suppliers, customers, employees, partners, shareholders and society), with special emphasis on suppliers. The influence that a large company's value chain can have in reducing its carbon footprint is key to creating a multiplier effect in climate change actions that help accelerate the energy transition.

We need concrete and permanent actions, and companies are taking a leading role in this challenge. The Alcance 3.0 Awards recognize and celebrate business leadership in building a more sustainable future.

D.Cipriano Suárez
President Grupo CPOnet

D.ª Mariola Pina
President of the Jury of the Premios Alcance 3.0


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