1. Concept of Cookies
This website uses cookies. Cookies are files that are stored on the user's computer while browsing the Internet and, in particular, contain a number that allows the unique identification of the user's computer, even if it changes location or IP address. Cookies are installed during Internet browsing, either by the websites visited by the user or by third parties related to the website. They enable the website to track the user's activity on the same site or others it is related to. For example, it can track the location from which the user accesses, connection time, the device used (fixed or mobile), the operating system and browser used, the most visited pages, the number of clicks made, and data related to the user's behavior on the Internet.
2. Authorization for the use of cookies
In accordance with the cookie notice displayed in the website's footer, the user or visitor to the website expressly consents to the use of cookies as described below while browsing the website, unless they have modified their browser settings to reject their use.
3. Types of Cookies Used on the Website
In accordance with Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, CPONET GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, S.L., informs about the cookies used on our website: The user browsing the website may find cookies directly inserted by the owner or cookies inserted by entities other than the owner, as detailed in the following sections:
3.1. Owner-Inserted Cookies
PHPSESSID: Temporary. This cookie is native to PHP and enables the storage of data on the website's state. It is used to establish a user session and disappears when the user closes their browser. CookieOK: Persistent. This cookie stores the user's consent to the cookie policy. gbn_lang: Persistent. This cookie stores the selected language, which is Spanish by default.
3.2. Third-party Cookies
_ga, _gat_gtag_UA_129658728_1, _gid: Temporary. These cookies are set by Google Analytics to track website usage. These cookies are not set if you disable cookies for this website.
4. How to Control and Delete Cookies
We do not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about the user. If you wish to restrict or block all cookies we have set or those from other websites, you can do so through your browser settings. Your browser's Help function will guide you on how to do this.
Furthermore, CPONET GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, S.L., informs the user that they have the option to configure their browser to be notified of the receipt of cookies and, if desired, prevent them from being installed on their hard drive. Below, we provide links to various browsers through which you can make this configuration:
Internet Explorer

Este sitio web usa cookies, si pulsa el botón y permanece aquí acepta su uso. Puede leer más sobre el uso de cookies en nuestra política de cookies.
También puede conocer nuestra política de privacidad la cual, si presiona el botón y sigue en la página, acepta.